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Showing posts from April, 2009

Carpet Cleaning

By definition the purpose of Carpet Cleaning is to remove soil that has been brought in on Shoes from the outside environment. Carpet, being on the floor acts like a filter for these soils,and gases,animal or human dander( dead skin) and numerous other materials. So you can understand why it is imperative that your carpets be cleaned regularly, for your health! However most customers call us to clean their carpets for appearance, (the inlaws are coming) or cosmetic reasons. Cleaning for health requires that as much of the solid, particle soil be removed as is physically possible. This can require thorough extraction of the soil load.


COMPOUND STAINS. The staining material is present on the fibre and in the fibre, in otherwords the staining material is absorbed by the carpet fibre,but also sits on the surface. Examples of compound stains are LIPSTICK, PAINT, HONEY. DYE STAINS. Occur as a result of a spillage of dyes on the carpet. The staining material adds colour to the original colour of the carpet. Examples are cordial, softdrinks, or anything containing dye additives. DESTRUCTIVE STAINS. The staining material has altered the nature of the carpet fibre an has caused physical damage to the fibre. Examples of destructive stains are: spillages of strong acids, household bleaches,etc


If you would like to use our environmentally friendly Low Moisture Carpet Cleaning Service, please feel free to Email us at for a Free no obligation quote.


There are various forms of stains. SURFACE STAINS: Superficial stain,where the staining material is present on the fibre or in between the fibres. Example of surface stains are: grease,glue, gum,wax,etc. ABSORBENT STAIN:Penetration of the fibre has taken place and the staining material is present in the fibre. Examples of absorbent stains are:tea,coffee,milk,urine etc.

Low Moisture Carpet Cleaning

You may be wondering what Low Moisture Carpet Cleaning is? It means that in the process some call Dry Carpet Cleaning, very little water is used. The cleaning agent that is used eliminates many spills and dries to a crystal, encapsulating the oily soils in your carpet. This then breaks away from the carpet fibres as you do your routine vacuuming. There is no waste water to dispose of thus helping conserve our very precious resource here in the Riverland, WATER!

Mysterious spots

At times mysterious spots appear on a carpet. Mysterious small area discolourations are caused by chemical attack on dyestuffs. The action of the chemicals on the dyes is usually not immediate The chemicals lie dormant until a trigger force is present. The triggerforce is often supplied by the environment in the form of moisture(humidity) and heat. Some of the more common mysterious spots can be associated with the use of chlorine bleaches, pet urine, use of benzoyl peroxide carriers in some pimple creams,pesticides or the use of cleaners sold at supermarkets.

Stains on carpet

STAINS are materials that adhere to the carpet fibre.STAINS are generally darker than the original colour of the carpet. STAINS can be caused by spillages of several types. WATER SOLUBLE- generally made up of materials which are soluble in water based solutions. Most stains are water soluble and will respond to water based cleaning solutions if got to early. That is why many stains are removed in the carpet cleaning process whether low moisture cleaning or hot water extraction/steam cleaning.