By definition the purpose of Carpet Cleaning is to remove soil that has been brought in on Shoes from the outside environment. Carpet, being on the floor acts like a filter for these soils,and gases,animal or human dander( dead skin) and numerous other materials. So you can understand why it is imperative that your carpets be cleaned regularly, for your health! However most customers call us to clean their carpets for appearance, (the inlaws are coming) or cosmetic reasons. Cleaning for health requires that as much of the solid, particle soil be removed as is physically possible. This can require thorough extraction of the soil load.
Craig and Beate Crisp Are Your Friendly Riverland Solar, Carpet and Window Cleaning Professionals. We love working together as a team on all sorts of Cleaning Challenges. Call Craig’s Cleaning Service Today on 0429845156 or have a look at our main website Craig’s Cleaning Service, 96 Drabsch St, Loxton S.A 5333